An electron can drop from a higher level to a lower one with the emission of a packet of electromagnetic radiation . 利用电磁辐射束的辐射,能使电子从高能级落到低能级。
The absorption of this radiation in various lines followed by cascade transitions to lower levels might ultimately produce an anomalously high population for the excited levels of these molecules . 在各谱线处对这种辐射的吸收以及接着向低能级的级联跃迁最终可能使这些分子的激发能级产生异常高的粒子数。
They are called cherubs by the rest of changeling society 它们被低能级社会称为天使。
Simplified formula of secular equation for hydrogen atom zeeman effect in a high magnetic field 均匀磁场中氢原子低能级简并度的解除
It is for this reason that they have come down from their mountains and rejoined changeling society in large numbers 由于这个原因,它们已经开始从它们的山地上下来重新加入为数众多的低能级社会里来。