

发音:   用"肝胆俱裂"造句
  • one's liver and gall both seemed torn from within.; extremely frightened; heart-broken or terror-stricken; overwhelmed by grief or terror
  • 肝胆:    liver and gall heroic spirit ...
  • :    all; complete
  • :    open
  • 异种2:肝胆俱裂:    species ii
  • 心胆俱裂:    be frightened out of one's wits; be heart-broken and terror-stricken; the heart and gall are broken with fear.; lost in great astonishment; be so frightened that one's heart and galls burst; terror-struck 吓得敌人心胆俱裂 strike terror into the hearts of the enemy


        肝胆:    liver and gall heroic spirit ...
        :    all; complete
        :    open
        异种2:肝胆俱裂:    species ii
        心胆俱裂:    be frightened out of one's wits; be heart-broken and terror-stricken; the heart and gall are broken with fear.; lost in great astonishment; be so frightened that one's heart and galls burst; terror-struck 吓得敌人心胆俱裂 strike terror into the hearts of the enemy
        吓得敌人心胆俱裂:    strike terror into the hearts of the enemy
        肝胆:    1.(肝和胆) liver and gall2.(勇气、血性) heroic spirit; courage3.(真诚的心) openheartedness; sincerity◇肝胆病证 disease of liver-gallbladder; 肝胆湿热 liver and gallbladder damp-heat; 肝胆症状 symptoms of liver-gallbladder
        五内俱裂:    feel one's five internal organs torn with pain; ... as if one's bowels had been cut through
        肝胆的:    hepatobiliary
        肝胆管:    hepatic duct
        肝胆科:    hepatology
        肝胆能:    galle-donau
        肝胆液:    hepatic bile
        肝胆郁:    hepatocholic depression
        肝胆汁:    hepatic bile; liver bile
        普外(肝胆):    general surgery
        肝胆显像剂,肝胆剂:    hepatobiliary agent
        肝胆辨证:    syndrome differentiation of liver and gallbladder
        肝胆病证:    disease of liver gallbladder
        肝胆管癌:    hepatobiliary cancer
        肝胆管成像:    hepatobiliary imaging
        肝胆管出血:    hepatobiliary hemorrhage
        肝胆管的:    hepatobiliary
        肝胆管结石:    hepatic calculus; hepatolith
        肝胆管瘤:    hepatocholangioma


  1. "肝胆管型肝癌"英文
  2. "肝胆管性腺瘤"英文
  3. "肝胆管炎"英文
  4. "肝胆过人"英文
  5. "肝胆红素"英文
  6. "肝胆科"英文
  7. "肝胆昆仑"英文
  8. "肝胆囊的"英文
  9. "肝胆囊管"英文
  10. "肝胆囊曲粘连综合征"英文


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