

发音:   用"肌肉麻痹"造句


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  1. Typical symptoms include numbness of the lips , tongue , and extremities . severe cases may have paralysis of the respiratory muscle leading to cessation of breathing and death
  2. Reduce the appearance of sagging skin , lines , and wrinkles without painful , expensive injections , and without dangerous muscle relaxers or harsh chemical ingredients *
  3. They can cause a variety of diseases ranging from mild and common illnesses like hand , foot and mouth disease , conjunctivitis to severe but rare conditions like paralysis , myocarditis and aseptic meningitis
  4. The viruses can cause a variety of diseases ranging from mild and common illnesses such as hand , foot and mouth disease , conjunctivitis to severe but rare conditions like paralysis , myocarditis and aseptic meningitis
  5. Enteroviruses can cause a variety of clinical syndromes including hand foot and mouth disease , acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis , paralysis etc . however , enteroviral infections are mostly subclinical . they affect mainly children


        肌肉:    muscle; baragnosis
        麻痹:    paralysis; paralyzation; pal ...
        rem肌肉麻痹:    rem atonia
        弛缓性肌肉麻痹:    flaccid mascular paralysis
        神经病学性肌肉麻痹:    neurological muscular paralysis
        神经肌肉麻醉剂:    neuromuscular blocking agents
        肉麻:    nauseating; sickening; disgusting 肉麻之至 have a deep creepy feeling; disgusting to the extreme
        肌肉不全麻痹性眼球震颤:    muscle paretic nystagmus; muscle-paretic nystagmus
        肌肉:    muscle; baragnosis 他肌肉发达。 he developed a muscular body.; 肌肉创伤 flesh wound; 肌肉疾病 muscular disease; 肌肉拉伤 pulled muscle; 肌肉内注射 intramuscular injection; 肌肉系统 musculature; 肌肉训练 muscular training; 肌肉运动 muscular movement; 肌肉组织 muscular tissue; myoideum; 肌肉组织肿瘤 muscle tissue tumor; 肌肉注射 intramuscular injection
        别恶心肉麻:    not sentimental
        令人肉麻:    make sb.'s flesh creep
        肉麻吹捧:    use words (of praise) that give one the creeps; fulsome praise
        肉麻情歌:    intoxicating love song
        肉麻元素:    the ick factor
        肉麻之至:    have a decreepy feeling
        麻痹:    1.(神经系统的病变引起的身体某一部分知觉能力的丧失和运动机能的障碍) paralysis; paralyzation; palsy 大脑性麻痹 cerebral paralysis; 面部麻痹 facial paralysis; 小儿麻痹 infantile paralysis; 延髓性麻痹 bulbar paralysis; 功能性麻痹 functional paralysis; 上肢麻痹 brachial palsy2.(使丧失警惕; 疏忽大意) benumb; lull; blunt; lower one's guard; slacken one's vigilance 麻痹人们的意志 lull people's will
        长肌肉:    regenerate the muscle
        大肌肉:    gross-motor activities
        肌肉,体力:    muscle
        肌肉,臂力:    brawn
        肌肉泵:    bicycle pum -
        肌肉病:    cording-up
        肌肉层:    musclar layer; muscle layer; muscular layer
        肌肉弛:    muscle relaxant
        肌肉醇:    creatinol


  1. "肌肉力量的心理极限"英文
  2. "肌肉练习"英文
  3. "肌肉瘤"英文
  4. "肌肉龙"英文
  5. "肌肉挛缩"英文
  6. "肌肉描记器"英文
  7. "肌肉明带"英文
  8. "肌肉耐力"英文
  9. "肌肉耐力发展运动"英文
  10. "肌肉男之大暴走"英文


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