For the long history , people of xiaoshen , donghu , huibai nationality have amalgamated mutually , developed economic and cultural communication with zhongyuan nationalities and in the end created the distinctive ancient national culture of the northeastern region 在漫长的历史岁月中,肃慎、东胡、 (氵岁)貊等各族系的人民互相融合,并不断发展与中原各民族的经济文化交流,最终共同铸造了独具特色的东北古代民族文化。
In 1635 , " zhushen " nuchen was changed to manchu and after the revolution of 1911 the revolution led by dr . sun yat - sen which overthrew the qing dynasty , it was changed to manchu nationality . the manchus have their own language and writing , which was originated from altai language family . the manchu language was created on the basis of the mongolian language 满族是一个有悠久历史的民族,其先民可追溯到2000多年前的肃慎人,其后裔称“革末革昌” “挹娄” “勿吉”等,他们一直生活在长白山以北的黑江中下游乌苏江流域的广阔地区。
肃: respectful solemn慎: careful; cautious肃顺: sushun肃杀最前线: sgt rock on the front line肃脱性唇炎: chilitis exfoliative肃杀之气: an awful atmosphere肃雄: shukuo肃然生畏: be struck with awe肃影婆: chasing shadows肃然起敬的: awestrickenawestruck; awestruck肃之辅: shukunosuke肃然起敬: register profound respect; arouse admiration; be filled with (a feeling of) deep veneration; feel (great) respect for sb.; hold in awe; hold sb. in high respect; stand in respect [veneration] of (sb.); stand respectfully before sb