

[ fānjiāngdǎohǎi ] 发音:   "翻江倒海"的汉语解释   用"翻江倒海"造句
  • brew storms on rivers and seas; overturn rivers and seas -- use every effort; with the momentum of an avalanche; with an overwhelming force 短语和例子
  • 有翻江倒海之能:    have the prowess of performing astounding feats of valour
  • 倒海翻江:    turn over the sea and river (describing the strength of the flow [movement]); worldshaking; with a gigantic and vigorous force
  • 翻江:    fanjiang
  • 排山倒海:    topple [move] the mountains and overturn the seas; gigantic; great power and influence; overcome with an irresistible force; overturn a mountain and upset the sea; overwhelming or sweeping; perform prodigious feats; pound away with the momentum of a torrential tide; remove mountains and upset seas; with the momentum [force] of an avalanche 以排山倒海之势 with the force of a landslide and the power of a tidal wave; with the momentum of an avalanche
  • 移山倒海:    remove mountains and drain seas; cast away mountains and upset the sea; conquer and transform nature; move heaven and earth 只要团结起来, 我们老百姓也能移山倒海。 once untied, we common people are able to conquer nature, too


  1. How his eye shone , still watchful , and yet wild beneath


        有翻江倒海之能:    have the prowess of performing astounding feats of valour
        倒海翻江:    turn over the sea and river (describing the strength of the flow [movement]); worldshaking; with a gigantic and vigorous force
        翻江:    fanjiang
        排山倒海:    topple [move] the mountains and overturn the seas; gigantic; great power and influence; overcome with an irresistible force; overturn a mountain and upset the sea; overwhelming or sweeping; perform prodigious feats; pound away with the momentum of a torrential tide; remove mountains and upset seas; with the momentum [force] of an avalanche 以排山倒海之势 with the force of a landslide and the power of a tidal wave; with the momentum of an avalanche
        移山倒海:    remove mountains and drain seas; cast away mountains and upset the sea; conquer and transform nature; move heaven and earth 只要团结起来, 我们老百姓也能移山倒海。 once untied, we common people are able to conquer nature, too
        倒海鸥翼式单翼机:    inverted gull-wing monoplane
        樊梨花移山倒海:    for the love of a woman
        以排山倒海之势:    with the momentum of an avalanche [a landslide]
        只要团结起来我们老百姓也能移山倒海:    once untied we common people are able to conquer nature too
        翻脚:    dorsiflexed
        翻脚动作:    dorsiflexing the feet
        翻浆冒泥:    rising soil
        翻脚口:    turn-ubottom
        翻浆:    frost boiling; frothing
        翻筋:    turn somersault
        翻建:    renovate rebuild on an old foundation; renovate; rebuild on an old foundation
        翻筋斗:    flip over; handspring; loop-the-loop; tumble away; tumbling; turn head over heels; turning a somersault ( loothe loo); up and down
        翻拣爪:    scrabbling claws


        翻江倒海的韩语:【성어】 힘이나 기세가 대단하다. 대단히 혼란스럽다. =[倒海翻江] [翻山倒海] [翻江搅海]
        翻江倒海的俄语:[fānjiāng dǎohǎi] обр. всесокрушающий; неудержимый; бурный
        翻江倒海什么意思:fān jiāng dǎo hǎi 【解释】原形容雨势大,后形容力量或声势非常壮大。 【出处】宋·陆游《夜宿阳山矶》诗:“五更颠风吹急雨,倒海翻江洗残暑。” 【示例】风仗雨势,雨借风威,那雨像~似地下了起来。 【拼音码】fjdh 【灯谜面】蛟龙造反;太平洋搬家;龙王爷出阵 【用法】联合式;作定语、状语、补语;形容水势浩大 【英文】terrific


  1. "翻拣爪"英文
  2. "翻建"英文
  3. "翻浆"英文
  4. "翻浆冒泥"英文
  5. "翻江"英文
  6. "翻脚"英文
  7. "翻脚动作"英文
  8. "翻脚口"英文
  9. "翻筋"英文
  10. "翻筋斗"英文


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