美国: the United States of America ...机工: equipment operator; machinis ...美国机场: airports in the united states美国机械师: american machinist美国机场列表: list of airports in the united states美国机车公司: american locomotive co美国机电协会: american electromechanical society美国机电学会: aes; american electromechanical society美国机读目录: usmarc美国机智问答: balderdash环境保护局(美国机构): environmental protection agency (epa)美国机场管理协会: aaae american association of airport executive美国机动司令部: jfcom美国机读目录格式: united states machine readable cataloging format美国机器翻译组织: association for machine translation in the americas美国机器人公司: american robot corp美国机器人协会: robot institute of america美国机器铸造公司: amf美国机械工程公司: american engineering co美国机械工程学会: american society of mechanical engineering, a.s.m.e; american society of mechanical engineers(asme); asme美国电机工程学会: aiee; american institute of electrical engineers美国飞机工业协会: aircraft industries association of america美国货车司机工会: u.s. teamsters unions美国机场停机坪公司: apcoa airport parking company of america美国机车维修者协会: lmoa