美国: the United States of America ...机器: machine; machinery; engine铸造: cast-on outwell; foundry; ca ...公司: corporation; incorporation; ...美国制动器铸造公司: american brake shoe & foundry美国机械与铸造公司: american machine & foundry co; amf机器铸造: machine casting机器铸造机器铸件: machine casting美国机械与铸造公司轮胎设备部: amf tire equipment division美国机器人公司: american robot corp美国钢管铸造公司: pipe & foundry co. united states; pipe & foundry co., united states美国钢铁铸造公司: american steel foundries co美国坏和铸造公司: amf american machine and foundry company美国坏与铸造公司: amf联合机器制造与铸造公司: united engineering & foundry萨凡纳机器与铸造公司: savannah machine & foundry co美国车辆和铸造公司: american car & foundry co坏铸造公司: ateliers de mecanique et fonderie大隈铸造公司: okuma foundry, ltd机械铸造公司: ateliers de mecanique et fonderie联合铸造公司: associated foundry ltd日本铸造公司: japan casting co., ltd泰坦铸造公司: titan foundry ltd西方铸造公司: western foundry co., ltd美国机器翻译组织: association for machine translation in the americas