- buffer condition
- 缓冲: buffer; cushion; slow down a ...
- 条件: condition; term; factor
- 缓冲区空闲条件: buffer empty condition
- 脉冲条信号比: pulse to bar ratio
- 缓冲: buffer; cushion; slow down attack; buff; dampen; damping; amortize; redeem; redemption; shock mitigation 扮演东西方阵营之间的缓冲国角色 act as buffers between the western and the eastern camps; 弹性缓冲 elastic buffer; 矮树丛缓冲了我的下跌。 the bush acted as a cushion to my fall.; 缓冲地带 buffer territory; buffer zone; nentral zone; 缓冲垫 blotter; bumper; 缓冲剂 [化学] buffer; 缓冲空间 cushion space; 缓冲区 buffer zone; buffer area; 缓冲作用 buffer action; buffering; cushioning; buffer function; buffer effect; cushioning action; deadening effect; cushioning effect