We also directly support some workers . two injured workers got their compensation of 120 , 000 yuan 我们还直接帮助一些工友维护权利,其中,两名工伤受害者获得赔偿共12万余元。
It will make the legal right subjected to the situation of the damage . altogether , the civil relief system before litigation of patent infringement has three parts 参考临时禁令制度,假扣押、假处分制度,完善我国专利侵权诉前民事救济制度,以期有效的维护权利人的利益。
What everyone enjoys the rights , obligations to fulfill what is clearly not as they please , but by the community through the recognition of certain rules , regulations and give 如何正确地认识权利,正确地行使权利,当权利受到侵犯正确地维护权利是大学生意识中亟待解决的问题。
Secondly , we will discuss the relationship between intellectual property right ' s protection and competition law . as two important legal systems , intellectual property right protects the creator ' s rights through setting up legal rights , while the competition law protects the rights and protects the fair competition through prohibiting the unfair competition . these two legal systems are coordinative and mutually compensating 第二,在知识产权保护与反不正当竞争法关系上,知识产权与反不正当竞争作为两项重要的法律制度,前者通过设立法定权利,保护创造者的利益,后者通过制止不正当竞争,来维护权利人利益,维护公平竞争,二者具有互补协同的关系。
On the followed day of december 25 , 2001 , aiming at the 57th clause of amendatory brand law , the supreme people court made an explanation of how to apply clauses to stopping the infringed behave of the special right of registered tra de mark before lawsuit and how to save evidence from damage , which ordained before the litigation of intellectual property , or during the people courts was hearing the cases , the owners of trademark or the relative individuals might bring forward requisition to stop the behave of infringements and might save evidence from damage 在接下来的2001年12月25日,最高人民法院又针对新修改的商标法的第57条做出了《关于诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为和保全证据适用法律问题的解释》 ,规定商标权人或者利害关系人在向人民法院提起知识产权侵权诉讼前,或者在人民法院审理侵权案件的过程中,可以提出先行停止侵权行为并可以进行证据保全的规定,此举进一步完善了知识产权立法,成为知识产权人维护权利的有力武器。
维护: safeguard; defend; uphold; k ...权利: right; interest维护权力: maintain one's right维护权益: protecting rights and interests农民权利维护者: hari haqdar维护人民的权利: maintain the people's rights维护同性恋权利: champion the cause of gay rights国际维护土著权利组织: survival international维护土著妇女权利办事处: office for the defence of indigenous women's rights维护知识产权权利人利益: safeguard the interests of right holders庇护权: right of asylum辩护权: right to counsel; right to defense监护权: custodial right; custody of children; guardia hip; guardianship权利: rightinterest维护住房权利反对驱逐房客中心: centre on housing rights and evictions维护: safeguard; defend; uphold; keep; maintain; upkeep 维护法律面前人人平等的原则 uphold the principle that all men are equal before the law; 维护国家主权 defend state sovereignty; 维护民族尊严 vindicate national honour; defend national honour; 维护人民的利益 safeguard the people's interests; 维护安定团结 uphold [maintain] unity and stability; 维护国际和平与安全 maintenance of international peace and security; 维护世界和平 safeguard world peace; 维护世界和平力量 forces working for safeguarding world peace; 维护祖国统一 safeguard the unity of the motherland; 维护团结 uphold unity; 维护人民的权利 maintain the people's rights; 维护正义 the maintenance of justice庇护权, 居留权: right of sanctuary当然监护权: tutorship by nature犯人庇护权: sanctuary妨碍监护权: custodial interference分开监护权: divided custody监护权诉讼: guardianship proceedings全部监护权: full custody人身保护权: right to habeas corpus特别保护权: vesting