- service area
- servicing area
- 维护: safeguard; defend; uphold; k ...
- 区: H region; H
- 装配维护区: assembly and service area; joining and service area
- 维护: safeguard; defend; uphold; keep; maintain; upkeep 维护法律面前人人平等的原则 uphold the principle that all men are equal before the law; 维护国家主权 defend state sovereignty; 维护民族尊严 vindicate national honour; defend national honour; 维护人民的利益 safeguard the people's interests; 维护安定团结 uphold [maintain] unity and stability; 维护国际和平与安全 maintenance of international peace and security; 维护世界和平 safeguard world peace; 维护世界和平力量 forces working for safeguarding world peace; 维护祖国统一 safeguard the unity of the motherland; 维护团结 uphold unity; 维护人民的权利 maintain the people's rights; 维护正义 the maintenance of justice
- 保护区: protection zone 东北虎保护区 manchurian tigers zone