维修: keep in repair; service; mai ...费用: cost; expenses; outlay对: answer; reply固定资产: fixed assets的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...比率: ratio净值对固定资产的比率: ratio of net worth to fixed assets销货净额对固定资产的比率: ratio of net sales to fixed assets制成品成本对固定资产的比率: ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets销售与固定资产的比率: sales to fixed assets ratio固定资产对担保资产的比率: ratio of fixed liabilities to assets held for security固定资产对全部资产的比率: ratio of fixed assets to total assets流动资产与固定资产的比率: ratio of current assets to fixed assets固定资产对净值的比率: ratio of fixed assets to net worth已使用固定资产的费用: cost of used fixed assets固定资产比率: fixed assets ratio固定资产对长期资本的比率: ratio of fixed assets to long term capital固定资产对资本负债的比率: ratio of fixed assets to capital liabilities固定资产占资本净值的比率: fixed assets to net worth ratio抵押品对固定负债的比率: ratio of security to fixed liabilities资本对固定负债的比率: ratio of capital to fixed liabilities对固定资产规定的条件: capital asset requirement固定资产的报废: disbursing of fixed asset固定资产的处理: disposal of fixed assets固定资产的动态: dynamic status of fixed assets