固定资产: fixed assets的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...动态: trends; general trend of aff ...流动资产的动态: movement of current assets固定资产的报废: disbursing of fixed asset固定资产的处理: disposal of fixed assets固定资产的估计: valuation of fixed assets固定资产的减除法: relief method固定资产的控制: control of fixed assets固定资产的组成: composition of fixed assets固定资产动态表: dynamic sheet of fixed assets; schedule of dynamic status of fixed assets出售固定资产的收益: profit from sale of fixed a et; profit from sale of fixed assets购买固定资产的开支: depenses ed capital固定资产的更新改造: renewal and reform of fixed asset固定资产的获得减去处置: acquisition less disposal of fixed assets固定资产的重置会计: replacement accounting净值对固定资产的比率: ratio of net worth to fixed assets可再生产的固定资产: reproducible fixed assets销售与固定资产的比率: sales to fixed assets ratio已使用固定资产的费用: cost of used fixed assets固定资产对担保资产的比率: ratio of fixed liabilities to assets held for security固定资产对全部资产的比率: ratio of fixed assets to total assets流动资产与固定资产的比率: ratio of current assets to fixed assets固定资产: fixed assets; capital assets; permanent assets◇固定资产税 imposition of taxes on fixed assets; fixed assets tax; 固定资产投资 fixed investments固定资产表: dynamic sheet of fixed assets; fixed-asset schedule