经期: period违和: molimen; acosmia经前期违和: premenstrual molimen男性更年期违和: molimen climacterium virile经期: (menstrual) period误期违约金: liquidated damages for delay先期违约: anticipatory repudiation预期违约: anticipatory breach of contract贵体违和: your precious health was not all that it might be机能紧张, 违和: molimen机能紧张,违和: molimina体觉违和: cenesthopathy玉体违和: sorry to learn that you are indisposed月经违和: menstrual molimina政躬违和: an official was indisposed while on duty.; be ill经期长: prolonged menstruation绝经期: menopause; climacteric◇绝经期综合征 climacteric syndrome神经期: stadium nervosum行经期: menstrual period月经期: menstrual period; period延期违约偿金: liquidated damages早期违法行为预测: prediction of early illegal behavior财经期刊: investment publications更年期, 绝经期: a change of life经期白带: menstrual leukorrhea; periodic leukorrhea