- menstrual molimina
- 月经: menses; menstruation; monthl ...
- 违和: molimen; acosmia
- 月经: menses; menstruation; monthlies; lunaria; catamenia; emmenia regel; menstrual flow; period; flower◇月经病 menopathy; menstruation disorder; 月经不调 abnormal menstruation; menoxenia; 月经初现 menophania; 月经带 sanitary belt; 月经过多 menorrhagia; metromenorrhagia; hypermenorrhea; menorrhea; 月经过少 hypomenorrhea; 月经后期 delayed menstrual cycle; 月经失调 menstrual disorder; menoxenia; 月经停止 ischomenia; 月经正常 eumenorrhea; 月经周期 menstrual cycle
- 贵体违和: your precious health was not all that it might be
- 机能紧张, 违和: molimen