The above reaction is called second-order reaction . 上述反应称为二级反应。
Electrical grade reactor 电子级反应设备
Second order reaction 二级反应
Zero order reaction 零级反应
The electrochemical behaviors of dmct on the different current collectors are studied in this paper by means of testing their cyclic voltammogram properties 本文通过测试dmct单体氧化(聚合)反应的动力学参数,确认其氧化反应为二级反应,还原反应为一级反应。
级: level; rank; grade反应: neaction初级反应: primary reaction; primary response次级反应: induced reaction; secondary reaction单级反应器: single stage reactor; single-stage reactor多级反应: reaction of high order多级反应器: multistage reactor二级反应: reaction of second order; reaction of the second order; second order reaction; second-order reaction; secondary order reaction; secondary response分级反应: fractional order reaction分数级反应: fractional order reaction; reaction of fractional order高级反应: higher order reaction; reaction of higher order两级反应器: two-stage reactor零级反应: zero order reaction; zero-order reaction; zeroth order reaction三级反应: third order reaction; third-order reaction四级反应: fourth order reaction; fourth-order reaction伪一级反应: pseudo first-order reaction一级反应: first order reaction; first-order effect; primary response准一级反应: pseudo first order reaction; pseudo-first order reaction假一级反应;准一级反应: pseudo-first-order reaction初级反应基因: primary response gene干扰二级反应: interfering second order reaction拟一级反应,假一级反应,伪一级反应: pseudo first-order reaction零级反应;零次反应: zero order reaction三级反应;三次反应: third order reaction初级反应堆装置: preliminary pile assembly