Initial response systems to deal with the occurrence of major earthquakes right under the metropolis will be upgraded on an ongoing basis 初级反应系统将继续升级,以应对都内发生的大地震。
Results showed that igm , after 3 days of inoculation , reached to the highest level ( 0 . 57mg / ml ) , which indicated some of the plasma cells have produced igm . igg after the 10 day of inoculation , had a trend of increasing and reached to the highest level at 20 th day ( 5 . 05 mg / ml ) . it indicated that igm , the immune globulin produced from the earlier reaction , play active role against the aev - nh937 strain infection at the beginning of the disease 实验结果为igm在攻毒后第3天达到峰值( 0 . 57mg / ml ) ,说明已有一部分b淋巴细胞分化为浆细胞并产生igm ; igg从第10天开始呈上升趋势,在第20天达到峰值( 5 . 05mg ml ) ;感染鸡外周血清中先出现igm ,后出现igg ,说明igm为初级反应最早出现的免疫球蛋白,在感染早期起着先锋免疫作用。
初级: elementary; primary; junior; ...反应: neaction初级反应基因: primary response gene初级反应堆装置: preliminary pile assembly级反应: nth order reaction初级反酌: primary back reaction次级反应: induced reaction; secondary reaction单级反应器: single stage reactor; single-stage reactor多级反应: reaction of high order多级反应器: multistage reactor二级反应: reaction of second order; reaction of the second order; second order reaction; second-order reaction; secondary order reaction; secondary response分级反应: fractional order reaction分数级反应: fractional order reaction; reaction of fractional order高级反应: higher order reaction; reaction of higher order两级反应器: two-stage reactor零级反应: zero order reaction; zero-order reaction; zeroth order reaction三级反应: third order reaction; third-order reaction四级反应: fourth order reaction; fourth-order reaction伪一级反应: pseudo first-order reaction一级反应: first order reaction; first-order effect; primary response准一级反应: pseudo first order reaction; pseudo-first order reaction假一级反应;准一级反应: pseudo-first-order reaction干扰二级反应: interfering second order reaction拟一级反应,假一级反应,伪一级反应: pseudo first-order reaction零级反应;零次反应: zero order reaction