累计: accumulative total; grand to ...投标制: bidding system累计投票: cumulative vote累计投票权: cumulative voting right累计投票制: cumulative voting累计投资额: cumulative investment投标制度: tender system招标投标制: system of public bidding for projects; the system of public bidding for project两层考虑投标制度: two-envelope tendering system中期性公平分配投标制度: interim fair-share tendering system水云间小区景观设计投标文本: edaw累计: 1.(总计) accumulative total; grand total2.(加起来计算) add up 这些并联的发电机所产生的电流累计在一起, 总电流达到 500 安培。 the current from these parallel generators will add up to make a total flow of 500 amperes. 这些数累计起来是 592。 the figures add up to 592.; 累计帐户 accumulation account; 累计资本 accumulated capital投标: tender; submit a tender; enter a bid; submit public bids in; bid 投标最高价 highest bid; 我们投标建一座大楼。we bid for the erection of a multistory building.; 投标保证金 bid bond [security]; tender bond; 投标担保 tender bond; 投标价格 tender price; 投标竞争 bidding competition; 投标人 bidder; tenderer 投标手续 tender procedures; 投标书 tender; 投标文件 tender [bid] documents; 投标制 bidding system横标制: lateral marking system招标制: competitive bidding system; competitive-bidding system; public bidding system; tender system坐标制: coordinate system; coordinated system; grid system; gridsystem应计投资利息: accrued interest on investment应计投资收入: accrual of investment income赤道座标制: equatorial system方格坐标制: grid system浮标标制: buoy system龟标制图: turtle graphics卷标制度: label system目标制定: goal setting评分邀标制: preferential tendering