中期: mid-term; medium term; metap ...性: nature; character; dispositi ...公平分配: equitable distribution投标: tender; submit a tender; ent ...制度: system; institution投标制度: tender system公平分配: equitable distribution; fair distribution; fair division促进公平分配: promote fair distribution of social wealth公平分配收入: equitable distribution of income两层考虑投标制度: two-envelope tendering system分配公平分配公正: distributive justice投标制: bidding system公平分配普惠制利益: equitable distribution of gsbenefits累计投标制: book building method招标投标制: system of public bidding for projects; the system of public bidding for project两性公平: gender equity分配投资贷款: allocate investment credits周期性公司: cyclical firms卷标制度: label system招标制度: tender system; tendering system座标制度: co-ordinate system安全理事会席位的公平分配: equitable representation on the走向两性公平: towards gender equity: poverty rights and participation公平分担原则: principle of equitable burden sharing; principle of equitable burdensharing出口指标制度: export target system