

发音:   用"精益消费"造句


        :    refined; picked; choice
        :    benefit; profit; advantage
        消费:    consume; consumption
        消费方面的耗费增加, 无益消费:    consumption diseconomics
        精益:    jit; lean; plustek
        精益号:    excelsior
        斯精益:    wiselean
        消费:    consume; consumption◇消费城市 consumer-city; 消费贷款 consumer loans; consumption credit; 消费方式[模式] pattern of consumption; 消费合作社 consumer's cooperative; consumers' cooperative society; consumers' cooperative association; 消费化 consumerization; 消费基金 consumption fund; funds for consumption; 消费技术 consumption technology; 消费借款 consumption loan; 消费经济学 consumer economics; 消费决策 [经] consumer decision; 消费量 amount of consumption; 消费市场 [经] consumer market; 消费水平 level of consumption; standards of consumption; consumption level; 消费税 consumption tax [duty]; excise tax; tax on consumption; excise; excise duty; 消费资料 consumption goods; consumer goods; means of consumption
        日益消瘦, 日渐衰弱:    waste away
        他眼见得日益消瘦:    it's clear that he is getting thinner every day
        杭州精益:    jingyi
        精益管理:    lean management
        精益六式码:    lean sigma
        精益求精:    refine on [upon]; always endeavoring to do still better; constantly perfect one's skill; constantly strive for perfection; constantly to improve something; keep on improving; never contented with one's achievements; seek for ever greater perfection 白求恩同志是个医生, 他以医疗为职业, 对技术精益求精。 comrade bethune was a doctor, the art of healing was his profession and he was constantly perfecting his skill
        精益求精的:    excelsior
        精益生产:    jit; lean manufacture; lean manufacturing; lean production, lp; llean production; lp(lean production); smart production
        精益生产3:    lean production
        精益生产4:    lean production
        精益生产6:    lean production
        精益思维:    lean thinking
        精益思想:    lean concepts; lean thinking
        精益涂装法:    lean painting method
        精益物流:    lean logistics
        精益西格玛:    lean sigma
        精益制造:    lean manufacturing


  1. "精益思想"英文
  2. "精益涂装法"英文
  3. "精益物流"英文
  4. "精益西格玛"英文
  5. "精益西格玛设计"英文
  6. "精益造船计划管理"英文
  7. "精益造船价值链分析"英文
  8. "精益造船模式"英文
  9. "精益造船原理"英文
  10. "精益造船作业分解"英文


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