

  • graduated poll tax


        等级:    grade; rank
        人头税:    poll tax; capitation; head t ...
        人头税:    capitation taxes; head money; head tax/money; headmoney; poll tax; tributum capitis; tributumcapitis
        (吉兹亚)人头税:    jizyah
        人头税,丁税:    capitation
        人头税,人丁税。:    roof tax
        使用人头税:    users tax
        特级人头马:    club de remy martin
        人头税纳税人:    chargepayer
        英国的人头税:    community charge
        一次总缴的人头税:    lump sum tax
        人头:    1.(人数) the number of people 按人头分 distribute according to the number of people2.(和人的关系) relations with people 人头熟 know a lot of people3.[方言] (品质) moral quality; character 人头儿次 be not much of a person; 人头税 poll tax; capitation; head tax
        码头税:    dockage; pier dues; pier tax; pierage; quayage; wharf due; wharfage
        码头税码头税:    dock tonnage dues
        等级:    1.(按质量、程度、地位等的差异而作出的区别) grade; rank 薪金等级 pay grade; 牛奶是分等级出售的。 milk is sold in grades.2.(在社会地位和法律地位上不平等的社会集团) order and degree; social estate; social stratum 封建社会等级森严。 feudal society was rigidly stratified
        按人头:    per capita
        老人头:    lao ren tou
        猎人头:    head-hunting
        人头坝:    massive dam-buttress dam
        人头户:    nominee account
        人头马:    remi martin; remy martin centaure xo; vso remy martin vsop; vsoremy martin vsop
        人头牌:    coal cards; court cards; face cards; head
        人头虱:    head louse
        人头熟:    know a lot of people moral qualitycharacter
        人头数:    head count


  1. "等级坡度"英文
  2. "等级强度"英文
  3. "等级清算成员"英文
  4. "等级群"英文
  5. "等级群体因素说"英文
  6. "等级色谱响应函数"英文
  7. "等级森严"英文
  8. "等级社会"英文
  9. "等级式结构"英文
  10. "等级式模型"英文


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