第一: first; primary; foremost; fi ...笔: pen; pencil; stylus; writing ...付款: pay a sum of money定金: front money; earnest money; ...分期付款定金,首期付款: down payment整笔付款: lumsum payment付款定购: buy the refusal of整笔付款合约: lumsum contract整笔付款制度: batch payment system第一笔: firstrecord第一笔钱: the firstmoney第一笔生意: act 1 first sale第一笔营业: handsel分期付款的定金: down payment分期付款的定金 交付定金 首期付款: downpayment定金: [经] front money; earnest money;bargain money; handsel; down payment; advance payment定金,分期付款的首次款: dow ayment; down payment一笔: at one stroke; brushstroke; ippitsu; touch; trait我人生中的第一笔收入: thefirstincomeinmylife先付定金 逐月付款的累积购买法: layawayplan分期付款中最后一笔特大的偿还款: ballon payment最后一笔金额特大的分期付款法: balloon repayment条款定义: definition of term整笔付清费用: lump sum fee; lump-sum fee; lump-sumfee定金;订金: down payment