

发音:   用"第一笔"造句


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. We could finally get our hands on the first $500 million in guaranteed loans.
  2. And must not be included in the cash flow values of
  3. I bought the car when i received my first salary
  4. My first big score , this guy we robbed
  5. My first big score , this guy we robbed


        第一:    first; primary; foremost; fi ...
        :    pen; pencil; stylus; writing ...
        第一笔钱:    the firstmoney
        第一笔生意:    act 1 first sale
        第一笔营业:    handsel
        第一笔付款定金:    anzahlung
        一笔:    at one stroke; brushstroke; ippitsu; touch; trait
        我人生中的第一笔收入:    thefirstincomeinmylife
        上一笔:    previous record
        下一笔:    next record
        一笔,笔画:    stroke noun
        一笔,一举:    at one stroke
        一笔;一划:    stroke n. a line made by a single movement of a pen or brush in writing
        一笔过:    i like dreamin; lump sum
        一笔画:    unicursal
        一笔款:    a funda sum of money
        一笔钱:    a sum of money; sum
        一笔斋:    ippitsusai
        第一:    first; primary; foremost; first and foremost 第一号种子选手 no. 1 seeded player; 天下第一 the best in the world; 该领域学者中名列第一的人 the first among the scholars in this field; 一个两门功课都获得第一的优等生 a very fine student who took a double first; 获得第一名 win first place; get a first; win a championship; 他在班上名列第一。 he stands first in his class.; 第一夫人 the first lady (国家元首夫人); 第一副本 first authentic copy; duplicate; 第一家庭 the first family (国家元首一家); 第一宇宙速度 first cosmic velocity (物体具有每秒7.9公里的速度时, 就和地心引力平衡, 又叫环绕速度); 第一主犯 principal in the first degree
        大捞一笔:    raking it in
        大赚一笔钱:    grab the biz
        戴梦梦 - 一笔过:    cky remix
        单一笔款项:    one-off payment
        花一笔巨款:    spend a small fortune
        记下一笔帐:    kean account


  1. "第一本"英文
  2. "第一本书的一些复本现在还保存着"英文
  3. "第一本英文书"英文
  4. "第一比尔诺索沃"英文
  5. "第一比较检验"英文
  6. "第一笔付款定金"英文
  7. "第一笔钱"英文
  8. "第一笔生意"英文
  9. "第一笔营业"英文
  10. "第一庇护国"英文


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