

发音:   用"端正党风"造句
  • improve party conduct
  • 端正:    upright; regular right; corr ...
  • 党风:    party conduct; working style ...
  • 党风:    party conduct; working style of the party 端正党风 improve party conduct; 实现党风和社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental improvement in party conduct and in general social conduct
  • 党风建设:    co truction of the party conduct; construction of the party conduct
  • 整顿党风:    rectify the working style of the party


  1. In the first half of this year we have scored some achievements in rectifying party conduct . but let ' s not overestimate them , for they are only a beginning


        端正:    upright; regular right; corr ...
        党风:    party conduct; working style ...
        党风:    party conduct; working style of the party 端正党风 improve party conduct; 实现党风和社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental improvement in party conduct and in general social conduct
        端正:    1.(不歪斜) upright; regular 五官不端正的脸 a face with uneven features; 五官端正的人 a man of regular features; 他身体高大, 五官端正。 he had a tall, handsome figure, a good set of features. 把画像挂端正。 hang the portrait straight.2.(正派) proper; correct 品行端正 correct in behaviour3.(使端正) rectify; correct; straighten 端正党风 rectify the party's style of work [mode of conduct]; 端正工作态度 take a correct attitude towards work; 端正服务方向 correct its service orientation; 端正思想 set the ideas to rights; straighten out one's ideas; 端正思想认识 straighten out people's thinking; orientate one's thinking correctly; correct one's thinking; 端正政治方向 straighten one's political orientation
        党风建设:    co truction of the party conduct; construction of the party conduct
        整顿党风:    rectify the working style of the party
        人民公正党:    parti keadilan rakyat (pkr)
        真正党人:    autentico el; el autentico
        端正的:    decorous; neat; regular; righteous; upright
        端正地:    decently; decorously; righteously; rightly
        党风廉正建设:    improve the party style
        法律与公正党:    law and justice
        摆得端正:    put sth
        端端正正:    straight; regular (features) 这家副食店在墙上端端正正挂着一张服务公约。 there hangs straight on the wall of this grocery a service pledge
        端正呼吸:    orthopnea
        端正思想:    correct one's thinking; straighten out one's ideas; straighten out one's thinking
        品貌端正:    well-shaped figure and decorous appearance
        品行端正:    be on the straight
        品行端正的:    correct; well-conducted
        品行端正地:    correctly
        品性端正的:    moral
        容貌端正:    have proper facial features
        田端正广:    tabata masahiro
        五官端正:    have regular [correct] features; well-featured
        相貌端正:    have regular features


  1. "端罩装配"英文
  2. "端遮蔽"英文
  3. "端折机"英文
  4. "端镇墩"英文
  5. "端正"英文
  6. "端正的"英文
  7. "端正地"英文
  8. "端正服务方向"英文
  9. "端正工作态度"英文
  10. "端正呼吸"英文


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