Setting up ballplayers as some elite caste is just as dangerous as taking our moral examples from some teenager who was probably being exploited just by being put on television 将球员供在高高在上的位置来膜拜是非常危险的,就像是将演艺圈的一些青少年当做品性端正的偶像来崇拜一样,但实际上这些青少年偶像可能只是被媒体放在电视节目里面剥削。
品性: moral character端正: upright; regular right; corr ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...端正的: decorous; neat; regular; righteous; upright品行端正的: correct; well-conducted行为端正的: well-behaved; well-mannered仪表端正的: syntropic面目端正的脸: regular face品行端正的人: a man of good conduct五官端正的人: a man of regular features端端正正的站着: stand squarely面貌端正的男子: a well featured man appearance五官不端正的脸: a face with uneven features定期的;匀称的,端正的;公认的;正规的: regular (l04)行为端正的, 文雅的, 有礼貌的: well-mannered直边端正的马口铁条料: trimmed stripe品性: moral character 陶冶自己的品性 build one's character; 他是个品性良好的人。 he is a man of fine character. 他的品性和他的夫人相同。 he is identical in character with his wife端正: 1.(不歪斜) upright; regular 五官不端正的脸 a face with uneven features; 五官端正的人 a man of regular features; 他身体高大, 五官端正。 he had a tall, handsome figure, a good set of features. 把画像挂端正。 hang the portrait straight.2.(正派) proper; correct 品行端正 correct in behaviour3.(使端正) rectify; correct; straighten 端正党风 rectify the party's style of work [mode of conduct]; 端正工作态度 take a correct attitude towards work; 端正服务方向 correct its service orientation; 端正思想 set the ideas to rights; straighten out one's ideas; 端正思想认识 straighten out people's thinking; orientate one's thinking correctly; correct one's thinking; 端正政治方向 straighten one's political orientation活性端: living end极性端: polar end正的: main; plus; positive品性,行为: behavior端正地: decently; decorously; righteously; rightly非极性端: non-polar end还原性端基: reducing end group