

发音:   "立功赎罪"的汉语解释   用"立功赎罪"造句
  • perform a meritorious service to atone for one's crimes; atone for one's crimes by a good deed; perform merits to atone [redeem] for one's misdeeds; repent one's evil ways and prove it by one's deeds
  • 将功赎罪:    make amends for one's crimes by good deeds; atone for a crime by meritorious actions [service]; atone for one's crimes by a good deed; atone for one's guilt by devoted service (to the state); expiate one's crime [faults] by good deeds [services]; redeem sins by good deeds
  • 立功:    render meritorious service; do a deed of merit; win honour; make contributions 立大功 render outstanding service; 立集体三等功 be awarded a class three collective commendation; 立一等功 win a first class merit; 立功奖状 certificate for meritorious service; certificate of merit
  • 赎罪:    atone for one's crime 立功赎罪 perform meritorious services to atone for one's crime; 他以生命赎罪。 he atoned his sin with life.; 赎罪日 (犹太教) yom kippur; day of atonement
  • 翟立功:    zhai ligong
  • 黄立功:    huang ligong


  1. It seems to us high time that they began to work their passage .


        将功赎罪:    make amends for one's crimes by good deeds; atone for a crime by meritorious actions [service]; atone for one's crimes by a good deed; atone for one's guilt by devoted service (to the state); expiate one's crime [faults] by good deeds [services]; redeem sins by good deeds
        立功:    render meritorious service; do a deed of merit; win honour; make contributions 立大功 render outstanding service; 立集体三等功 be awarded a class three collective commendation; 立一等功 win a first class merit; 立功奖状 certificate for meritorious service; certificate of merit
        赎罪:    atone for one's crime 立功赎罪 perform meritorious services to atone for one's crime; 他以生命赎罪。 he atoned his sin with life.; 赎罪日 (犹太教) yom kippur; day of atonement
        翟立功:    zhai ligong
        黄立功:    huang ligong
        李立功:    li ligong
        徐立功:    li-kong hsu
        杨立功:    yang ligong
        使赎罪:    enance
        赎罪,补偿:    atone
        赎罪,弥补:    atonement
        赎罪碑:    expiatory monument
        赎罪的:    condonable; expiatory; penitential; piacular; satisfactory
        赎罪祭:    sin offering
        赎罪架:    kavadi
        赎罪节:    yom kippur
        赎罪金:    blood money; conscience money; sin money
        赎罪卷:    indulgence
        赎罪券:    ii: letters of indulgence; indulgence
        赎罪日:    day of atonement; yom kippur
        赎罪术:    atonement
        赎罪银:    the atonement money
        戴罪立功:    atone for one's crimes by doing good deeds; redeem oneself by good service
        建立功勋:    perform exploits
        立功喜报:    a bulletin announcing meritorious service
        立功受奖:    be rewarded for a meritorious action; awards will be given to those who perform a meritorious service.; those who have gained merit will be rewarded


        立功赎罪的日语:〈成〉手柄を立てて自分が以前に犯した罪の埋め合わせをする.▼“立功自 zì 赎”ともいう.
        立功赎罪的韩语:【성어】 공을 세워서 속죄하다. =[立功自赎]
        立功赎罪什么意思:lì gōng shú zuì 【解释】以立功来抵偿罪过。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第四十回:“赵衰应曰:‘当革职,使立功赎罪。’” 【示例】犯罪分子,只要坦白交待,~,便可以得到政府的宽大。 【拼音码】lgsz 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;用于有过错的人 【英文】perform meritorious services to atone for one's crimes


  1. "立工"英文
  2. "立功"英文
  3. "立功报效"英文
  4. "立功奖状"英文
  5. "立功受奖"英文
  6. "立功喜报"英文
  7. "立功者受奖"英文
  8. "立功自赎"英文
  9. "立构规整度"英文
  10. "立构规整接枝聚合物"英文


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