

发音:   "戴罪立功"的汉语解释   用"戴罪立功"造句
  • atone for one's crimes by doing good deeds; redeem oneself by good service
  • 立功:    render meritorious service; do a deed of merit; win honour; make contributions 立大功 render outstanding service; 立集体三等功 be awarded a class three collective commendation; 立一等功 win a first class merit; 立功奖状 certificate for meritorious service; certificate of merit
  • 翟立功:    zhai ligong
  • 黄立功:    huang ligong
  • 李立功:    li ligong
  • 徐立功:    li-kong hsu


  1. Mellors pushed steadily behind , and up she went , as if to retrieve herself
  2. Rangers manager alex mcleish is to stay on at the ibrox club . there had been a question mark over the future of the former scotland international after a poor start to the bank of scotland premier league season . rangers manager alex mcleish is to stay on at the ibrox club


        立功:    render meritorious service; do a deed of merit; win honour; make contributions 立大功 render outstanding service; 立集体三等功 be awarded a class three collective commendation; 立一等功 win a first class merit; 立功奖状 certificate for meritorious service; certificate of merit
        翟立功:    zhai ligong
        黄立功:    huang ligong
        李立功:    li ligong
        徐立功:    li-kong hsu
        杨立功:    yang ligong
        建立功勋:    perform exploits
        立功报效:    render sb. some signal service to prove one's gratitude
        立功奖状:    certificate for meritorious servicecertificate of merit
        立功受奖:    be rewarded for a meritorious action; awards will be given to those who perform a meritorious service.; those who have gained merit will be rewarded
        立功赎罪:    perform a meritorious service to atone for one's crimes; atone for one's crimes by a good deed; perform merits to atone [redeem] for one's misdeeds; repent one's evil ways and prove it by one's deeds
        立功喜报:    a bulletin announcing meritorious service
        立功者受奖:    those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded
        立功自赎:    perform meritorious services to atone for one's crime
        自首和立功:    section voluntary surrender and meritorious performance
        独立功能部件:    afu
        最大自立功能:    maximum independent function
        他在部队里多次立功:    he repeatedly distinguished himself in the pla
        未列名具有独立功能的机器及机械器具:    mach & mechanical appliances having individual functions
        戴作霖:    dai zuolin
        戴宗晴:    dai zongqing
        戴谕宁:    yuning dai
        戴宗安:    zongan dai
        戴薇薇:    wei-wei dai
        戴宗:    dai zhong
        戴嵩:    dai song


        戴罪立功的法语:expier son crime en faisant de bons actes
        戴罪立功的韩语:【성어】 공적을 세움으로써 자신의 죄과를 보상하다. =[戴罪图功]
        戴罪立功什么意思:dài zuì lì gōng 【解释】戴罪:明代被判了罪的官员仍留职任用。身负罪责,争取立功以赎罪 【出处】《明史·史可法传》:“以平贼逾期,戴罪立功。” 【示例】他希望有一个~的机会 【拼音码】dzlg 【用法】连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;借指赎罪 【英文】make amends for one's wrong doing


  1. "戴着主教冠的"英文
  2. "戴自动潜水呼吸器潜游"英文
  3. "戴宗"英文
  4. "戴宗安"英文
  5. "戴宗晴"英文
  6. "戴作霖"英文
  7. "戴谕宁"英文
  8. "戴薇薇"英文
  9. "戴嵩"英文
  10. "戴淇泉"英文


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