

发音:   用"突破敌人防线"造句
  • act of breaking through an enemy's defences


        突破:    break through; make a breakt ...
        敌人:    enemy; foe
        防线:    line of defense
        突破敌人的防线:    break through the enemy
        攻破敌军防线:    break through the enemy defense lines
        突破边防线:    explosion at the dawn
        突破防线:    plunge; slant
        五人防线阵式:    five man line defence formation; five men line defence formation
        爆破敌人的碉堡:    blow up an enemy pillbox
        我们已打破敌人的计划:    we have broken the eggs in the enemy’s pocket
        压制敌人防空力量:    defense suppression
        我军冲破了敌人的防线:    our troops have broken through the enemy's line
        人防:    [简] (人民防空) people's air defence; civil air defence◇人防地下建筑物 underground airraid shelter; 人防工程 air-raid shelters; civil air defence; 人防建设 building of people's airdefence; 人防教育 education on people's airdefence; 人防通道测量 people's aerial defence subway; 人防通信 communication for people's airdefence; 人防训练 training in people's airdefence; 人防演习 exercise in people's airdefence; 人防组织 organization for people's airdefence
        破敌式:    a04o; a04w
        突破:    1.(打开缺口) break through; make a breakthrough 突破一点 make a breakthrough at some single point; 癌症研究上的一项重大突破 an important breakthrough in cancer; 突破敌人的防线 break through the enemy's defences; 医学上的突破 a medical breakthrough2.(打破) surmount; break; top 突破定额 overfulfil a quota; 突破难关 break the back of a tough job3.breakout; penetration; runout; 突破地区 [军事] area of penetration; area breakthrough; 突破点 [军事] breakthrough point; point of penetration; 突破口 [军事] breach; gap; sally port
        大破敌军:    inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy spend
        国防线:    national defense line
        海防线:    coastal front
        血防线:    bloodlines
        突破,突破口:    breach
        芭芭拉防线:    barbara line
        巴列夫防线:    bar lev line
        北约防线:    nato defense (alternate mazes)
        侧翼防线:    flank barrier
        第2防线:    secondary defense


  1. "突破创意男演员"英文
  2. "突破创意女演员"英文
  3. "突破到篮下得分"英文
  4. "突破的可能性"英文
  5. "突破敌人的防线"英文
  6. "突破地区"英文
  7. "突破点"英文
  8. "突破定额"英文
  9. "突破对方防守的一次机会"英文
  10. "突破二十五马赫"英文


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