突破: break through; make a breakt ...敌人: enemy; foe的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...防线: line of defense突破敌人防线: act of breaking through an enemy's defences我军冲破了敌人的防线: our troops have broken through the enemy's line爆破敌人的碉堡: blow up an enemy pillbox我们已打破敌人的计划: we have broken the eggs in the enemy’s pocket攻破敌军防线: break through the enemy defense lines对空中和地面敌人的防御: air-ground defense突破边防线: explosion at the dawn突破防线: plunge; slant敌人的: hostile难以突破的防空: impregnable defense和敌人的: radiant ai我的敌人的敌人: my enemy's enemy挫敌人的锐气: deflate the enemy's arrogance攻敌人的右翼: attack the enemy's right the right没有敌人的人: the man with no enemies灭敌人的威风: puncture the enemy's arrogance imposing你偷走了我的防线,你击倒了我: you steal my lines and you strike me down察觉到敌人的阴谋: discover the plot of the enemy摧毁敌人的阵地: destroy the enemy positions挫败敌人的阴谋: foil the enemy's scheme打退敌人的冲锋: beat back the enemy assault