

发音:   用"科研计划"造句


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  1. The scientific research plan has already been drawnup
  2. The formulation amp; amp; enforcement of german r amp; amp; d plans
  3. I don ' t wanna understand it ! this isn ' t one of your science projects
  4. The regulation of the management on intellectual property right of achievement of the national scientific research plan project
  5. The medical and dental faculties of hku have worked with experts of the uoa on different research projects for some years


        科研:    scientific research
        计划:    plan; project; programme; de ...
        科研计划索引:    research project index
        科研计划;科研工作:    scientific effort
        实时操作系统中枢 日本科研计划:    tron, the real-time operating system nucleus
        预研计划处:    pre-research plan office
        预研计划组:    pre-research plan team
        国家教育科研计算机网:    cernet
        中国教育和科研计算机网:    cernet, china education and research net; china education and research network
        中国教育和科研计算器网:    cernet; china education and research network
        中国教育科研计算机网:    cernet
        安徽省教育和科研计算机网:    anhui education and research network
        中国教育和科研计算机网络:    cernet china education and research computer network
        科研:    scientific research 进行血液病的科研工作 make scientific researches on diseases of the blood; 他从事科研工作。 he is engaged in scientific research.; 科研产出 output of scientific research; 科研成果 achievements in scientific research; result of scientific research; 科研成果商品化 commercialize r&d achievements; 科研单位 r&d institution; 科研工作 scientific research; 科研管理 research and development management; 科研合同制 contract system of scientific research; 科研机构 scientific research institution; 科研经费 cost of scientific research; 科研区 district of scientific research; 科研人员 scientific research personnel; 科研体制改革 reform of scientific research system; 科研投入 input for scientific research; 科研项目 scientific research item;科研向生产转移 transfer r&d achievements to production; 科研协作委员会 coordinating research council; 科研与生产紧密联合 close integration of scientific research with production; 科研责任制 responsibility system of scientific research; 科研中心 research establishment; scientific research centre
        理研计器公司:    riken keiki fine instrument co., ltd
        科研处:    research dept; science and
        科研船:    research ship; research vehicle
        科研区:    district of scientific research
        科研所:    scientific research institute
        科研型:    scientific
        a计划:    proiect a; project a
        计划:    1.(工作、行动以前预先拟定的内容和步骤) plan; project; programme; device; devisal; design 宏伟的计划 a magnificent project; 五年计划 a five-year programme; 有计划地进行 proceed in a planned way; 制定计划 make a plan; draw up a plan; work out a plan; 指导性计划 guidance plan; 指令性计划 mandatory plan; 切实可行的计划 feasible [workable] plan; 有计划的商品经济 planned commodity economy; 反通货膨胀计划 anti-inflation programme; 紧急救助计划 the emergency aid programme; 五年“扫盲计划” the five-year“anti-illiteracy programme”; 修建新铁路的计划 the projection of a new railway2.(做计划) map out; plan; plot; design 会议原计划于三月开幕。 the conference was originally planned to open in march. 计划好了再动手干。 map it out before you start. 我们计划周末去纽约。 we plan to go to new york at the weekend.; 计划成本 planned costs; 计划经济 planned economy; 计划生产 planned production; 计划市场 planned market; 计划体制 planning system; 计划员 planner; schemer; 计划指标 plan targets
        纯科研卫星:    pure research satellite
        迪吉多科研:    digital research
        多学科研究:    interdisciplinary study; multi-disciplinary research; multidisciplinary studies; multidisciplinary study


  1. "科研基本方法"英文
  2. "科研基金制"英文
  3. "科研基金中英文对照"英文
  4. "科研机构"英文
  5. "科研机制"英文
  6. "科研计划;科研工作"英文
  7. "科研计划索引"英文
  8. "科研教育办公室"英文
  9. "科研教育联网公司"英文
  10. "科研教育网络联盟"英文


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