

发音:   用"科研机制"造句
  • scientific research mechanism
  • 科研:    scientific research
  • 机制:    machine-processed; machine-m ...
  • 科研机构:    scientific establishment; scientific institution
  • 民办科研机构:    research institution run by the local people; research institution run by the people
  • 公益类科研机构:    non-profit research institution


  1. On the basis of the specific characteristics of agricultural technology innovations , the authors raise five issues on respecting ipr of others and preventing right abuse by foreign firms , conflicts in introducing market forces into the traditional agriculture s & t research mechanism , conflicts in traditional agricultural promotion mechanism and ipr protection , etc


        科研:    scientific research
        机制:    machine-processed; machine-m ...
        科研机构:    scientific establishment; scientific institution
        民办科研机构:    research institution run by the local people; research institution run by the people
        公益类科研机构:    non-profit research institution
        公益型科研机构:    public service based research institutions
        应用型科研机构:    application-based research institutions; applied research institutes
        中国科研机构资源:    resources on mainland science and technology institution
        搜索引擎谷歌公司已加盟美国多家科研机构:    lsst
        科研:    scientific research 进行血液病的科研工作 make scientific researches on diseases of the blood; 他从事科研工作。 he is engaged in scientific research.; 科研产出 output of scientific research; 科研成果 achievements in scientific research; result of scientific research; 科研成果商品化 commercialize r&d achievements; 科研单位 r&d institution; 科研工作 scientific research; 科研管理 research and development management; 科研合同制 contract system of scientific research; 科研机构 scientific research institution; 科研经费 cost of scientific research; 科研区 district of scientific research; 科研人员 scientific research personnel; 科研体制改革 reform of scientific research system; 科研投入 input for scientific research; 科研项目 scientific research item;科研向生产转移 transfer r&d achievements to production; 科研协作委员会 coordinating research council; 科研与生产紧密联合 close integration of scientific research with production; 科研责任制 responsibility system of scientific research; 科研中心 research establishment; scientific research centre
        精研机:    fine-grinding machine; la ing machines; la ingmachines; lap machine; lapping machines; lappingmachine; refining mill
        臼研机:    mortar mill
        细研机:    fine grinder; masticator
        机制:    1.(机器制造或加工的) machine-processed; machine-made 机制糖 machine-processed sugar; 机制纸 machine-made paper; machine-finished paper2.(机器的构造和工作原理; 有机体的构造、功能和相互关系; 泛指一个复杂的工作系统或某些自然现象的规律) mechanism 分娩机制 mechanism of labour; 激发机制 [物理学] excitation mechanism; 结晶机制 crystallization mechanism
        摆轴精研机:    oscillating indle la ing machine; oscillating spindle lapping machine
        侧面精研机:    side lapping mill
        超声精研机:    ultrasonic la ing machine; ultrasonic lapping machine
        打浆精研机:    beater-refiner
        顶尖精研机:    centre lapping machine
        工研机构:    irsis
        滚压研机:    roller mill
        精研机,研磨机:    lapping machine
        立式精研机:    vertical la ing machine; vertical lapping machine
        平面精研机:    surface lapping machine
        球磨精研机:    ball mill refiner; ball-mill refiner


  1. "科研活动"英文
  2. "科研基本方法"英文
  3. "科研基金制"英文
  4. "科研基金中英文对照"英文
  5. "科研机构"英文
  6. "科研计划"英文
  7. "科研计划;科研工作"英文
  8. "科研计划索引"英文
  9. "科研教育办公室"英文
  10. "科研教育联网公司"英文


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