种子: seed; semen; germ; grain; st ...借助: have the aid of; draw suppor ...风: wind来: come; arrive传播: disseminate; propagate; spre ...来传: raiden种子传播: seed dispersal; seed transmission借助: have the aid of; draw support from; with the help of 借助外国资本 with the aid of foreign capital; 借助词典阅读 read with the help of a dictionary; 借助望远镜观察月球 observe the moon with the aid of a telescope; 她借助语法书和词典掌握了一门外语。 she has mastered a foreign language by aid of a grammar and dictionary空气传播的种子: airborne seeds种子传播的病害: seed-borne disease风来山: furaisan张风来: fenglai zhang几个由种子传播的病害: some disease by seed-borne种传病害 种子传播的病害: seed-bornedisease电子借贷: electronic debts辅助风缸(铁路): auxiliary reservoir辅助风管路: auxiliary air piping辅助风机: additional air fan; secondary air fan辅助风口: auxiliary air port辅助风扇: auxiliary blower; auxiliary fan辅助风嘴: auxiliary tuyere借助于: by means of; with the help of; by the aid of; draw support from; with the aid of; through one's help; by help of; by; assisted by; with the assistance of; be seconded by one's assistance; backed by; on the strength of 他借助于一棵树过了河。 he crossed the river by the aid of a tree由于,借助: by/in virtue of外来传染病: exotic infectious disease暴风来袭: storm wind