Effectiveness of ants in dispersal of seed of codariocalyx motorius and preventing the seed from rodents ' predation 蚂蚁在舞草种子传播及避免其被啮齿类取食中的作用
Provides concise information on all aspects of biology , from biochemistry and body systems to plants and history -含开花植物不开花植物花的结构种子传播的方式。
( 2 ) it is the tactics of keeping the seed storehouse under the adverse environment that seed spreading has the dispersiveness of time , space heterogeneity of the seed spreading and the dormancy in summer , ( 3 ) the seed coat of lepidium pertoliatum l . and lepidium apetalum willd . make the seed bigger , which is useful to promote the seed sprouting and developing of seedling by absorbing the around moisture 具体表现为: ( 1 )植物的生长发育以及植物的生长节律,均受到环境的影响; ( 2 )种子的分批成熟,种子传播具有空间随机性以及种子具有夏季休眠的特性,都是种子在恶劣环境下保存种子库的策略( 3 )抱茎独行菜和独行菜的种衣一方面可以使种子大粒化,另外还利于吸收水分有助于促进种子萌发和幼苗发育,这些对种群的延续具有重要的意义。
种子: seed; semen; germ; grain; st ...传播: disseminate; propagate; spre ...种子传播的病害: seed-borne disease几个由种子传播的病害: some disease by seed-borne种传病害 种子传播的病害: seed-bornedisease种子传染: seed transmission中子传播: neutron propagation轻子传播函数: lepton propagator病原菌的种子传递: seed transmission of pathogens植物簿种子传染: plant virus seed transmission广播和电子传播科: broadcasting and electronic communication section蚊子传播的疾病: diseases spread by mosquitoes规则化光子传播函数: regularized-photon propagator空气传播的种子: airborne seeds种子借助风来传播: the seeds are transported by the wind种子: seed; semen; germ; grain; stock; spermo-; spermato-; gono-◇种子测定 seed testing; 种子处理 seed treatment; 种子地 seed-breeding field; 种子队 [体育] seed team; 种子发育 seed development; 种子繁殖 [农业] seminal propagation; 种子改良 seed amelioration; 种子更新 seed regeneration; 种子田 seminary; seed breeding field; 种子选手[运动员] [体育] seeded player; seed; 种子选育 seed breeding; 种子植物 spermatophyte; seed plant传播: 1.(广泛散布) disseminate; propagate; spread; (over); diffuse; transmit; run 传播马克思列宁主义 propagate [disseminate] marxism-leninism; 传播知识 spread knowledge; 制止病菌传播 check the spread of germs; 动植物病害传播极快。 animal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity. 疟蚊传播疟疾。 anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria. 消息象野火般迅速传播开来。 the news spread like wild-fire. 印刷术的发明有助于知识的传播。 the invention of printing helped the diffusion of learning.2.[物理学] propagation; transmission; transmitting; travel 散射传播 scatter propagation; 直线传播 rectilinear propagation 白狮子传说: white lion densetsu传子传孙: bequeath to children and grandchildren; pass on (one's skills) to one's sons and grandsons电子传导: electron conduction; electronic conduction电子传导率: electron conductivity; n-conduction电子传递: electron transfer; electron transport chain; electronic mailing电子传递键: electron transfer chain; electron transport chain电子传递粒: electron transport particle电子传递链: electron transport chain