Article 7 child laborers shall be prohibited from being employed 第七条禁止使用童工。
The ffes must not recruit the employees who are still employed by other employers and are forbidden to use child laborers 企业不得招聘末解除劳动关系的职工。禁止使用童工。
Furthermore , the length of the adolescent period and the definition of adulthood status may change in a given society as social and economic conditions change 在原始社会,青春期常常相对短暂,而到了工业社会,随着受教育时间的延长和法律禁止使用童工,青春期就长得多了,可以延长到一生中第二个十年。
In primitive societies adolescence if frequently a relatively short period of time , while in industrial societies with patterns of prolonged education coupled with laws against child labor , the period of adolescence is much longer and may include most of the second decade of one ' s life 在原始社会,青春期常常相对短暂,而到了工业社会,随着受教育时间的延长和法律禁止使用童工,青春期就长得多了,可以延长到一生中第二个十年。
禁止使用: forbid the use of童工: child labourer child labour禁止使用: ban; prohibition of use禁止使用的: disabled反对使用童工全球大游行: global march against child labour禁止使用的激素: banned hormone禁止使用地雷国际运动: international campaign to ban land mines关于禁止使用细菌武器的日内瓦议定书: geneva protocol for the prohibition of the use of bacterial weapons甲醛 防腐剂,有致癌之虞,已被禁止使用: formaldehyde禁止使用改变环境的技术的公约: enmod convention在麻黄素购销活动中禁止使用现金: use of cash shall be prohibited in the purchase and marketing activities of ephedrine停止使用: discontinued; disuse; go out of service; to discontinue use停止使用的: discontinued关于禁止使用四氯化碳作为清洗剂的公告: announcement of forbidding using the carbon tetrachloride as the cleaner电梯停止使用: lift out of use此取款机停止使用: this till position is closed废止通用, 废止使用: demonetization据报已停止使用: resported discontinued使通货废止使用: demonetizationdemonetize; demonetize停止使用的设施: discontinued installation童工: 1.(雇用的未成年的工人) child labourer2.(童工的劳动) child labour防止使用兴奋剂检验: anti-doping control停止使用不连续的中断: discontinued有害使用之禁止: the prohibition of harmful use此处24小时使用,禁止停车: no parking in use hours a day