Caroline hill road between stadium path and cotton path 学习驾驶者禁止使用的道路:
These banks had more u . s . assets than some of our g - 10 and oecd partners , and more than all of the asean countries put together 美国禁止使用的危险化学品如pcb及ddt ,却仍在他处使用而透过空气及水蔓延到各地。
The connection string parameters listed may be identified as either the only additional parameters allowed or additional parameters that are not allowed using the ,列出的连接字符串参数既可以只标识允许的其他参数,也可以标识禁止使用的其他参数。
No production and business operation entity may use any technique or equipment that endangers production safety and that has been explicitly announced for elimination or prevent from use 生产经营单位不得使用国家明令淘汰、禁止使用的危及生产安全的工艺、设备。
Note : only the characters " < " and " & " are strictly illegal in xml . apostrophes , quotation marks and greater than signs are legal , but it is a good habit to replace them 注意:只有" < "字符和" & "字符对于xml来说是严格禁止使用的。剩下的都是合法的,为了减少出错,使用实体是一个好习惯。
禁止使用: forbid the use of的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...禁止使用的激素: banned hormone禁止使用: ban; prohibition of use停止使用的: discontinued禁止使用童工: child laborers shall be prohibited from being employed停止使用的设施: discontinued installation禁止使用地雷国际运动: international campaign to ban land mines关于禁止使用细菌武器的日内瓦议定书: geneva protocol for the prohibition of the use of bacterial weapons甲醛 防腐剂,有致癌之虞,已被禁止使用: formaldehyde禁止使用改变环境的技术的公约: enmod convention在麻黄素购销活动中禁止使用现金: use of cash shall be prohibited in the purchase and marketing activities of ephedrine停止使用: discontinued; disuse; go out of service; to discontinue use关于禁止使用四氯化碳作为清洗剂的公告: announcement of forbidding using the carbon tetrachloride as the cleaner电梯停止使用: lift out of use此取款机停止使用: this till position is closed废止通用, 废止使用: demonetization据报已停止使用: resported discontinued使通货废止使用: demonetizationdemonetize; demonetize使用的: operational; used防止使用兴奋剂检验: anti-doping control停止使用不连续的中断: discontinued便于使用的: handy; usable; useable不能使用的: inoperative; inserviceable; nogo; non serviceable; non-serviceable; out-of-use; unavailable; unemployable不使用的: unused