In the ming dynasty , zhi xu claimed the defects of zen could only be remedied by the tiantai section 此外,禅宗和天台宗还发生定祖、国清寺祖庭归属之争。
Beginning at north wei dynasty , shaolin martial was booming in tang dynasty and developed mature in ming dynasty “天下第一名刹”少林寺,被称为佛教禅宗祖庭和中华武术的重要发祥地。
The buddhism boundary named damo for the “ primary ancestor ” of china buddhism zen and the shaolin temple had named the “ ancestor court ” of zen by praiseful 佛教界称达摩为中国佛教禅宗的“初祖” ,少林寺被誉为禅宗的“祖庭” 。
An academic research institution devoted to the study of zen buddhism , serving the needs of researchers , students , teachers , and practitioners of buddhism -赵州祖庭禅宗名刹。生活禅,法物流通,法事活动,河北省佛学院及生活禅夏令营。
Nanhua temple , located in qujiang and a key national temple , is the birthplace where the sixth patriarch huineng promoted the southern chan sect buddhism and is called the ancestral home of southern chan sect 全国重点寺庙曲江南华禅寺,是佛教禅宗六祖慧能弘扬"南宗禅法"的发祥地,有"南宗祖庭"之称。