祖国: mother country; one's countr ...阵线: front; ranks; alignment祖国阵线报: fatherland front; otechestven front爱国阵线: npfl/nprag; the patriotic front, pf救国阵线: salvation front全国阵线: natioanl front老挝爱国阵线: lao patriotic front民族救国阵线: national salvation front联合阵线(全国阵线-左翼阵线): united front (national front-left forces)救国阵线委员会: council of national salvation黎巴嫩全国阵线: lebanese national front卢安达爱国阵线: rwandan patriotic front卢旺达爱国阵线: front patriotique rwandais; rpf: rwandan patriotic front; rwanda patriotic front; rwandese patriotic front纳米比亚全国阵线: namibia national front; nnf乌班吉爱国阵线: front patriotique oubanguien乌干达救国阵线: uganda national rescue front伊拉克全国阵线: front national irakien伊斯兰救国阵线: fis islamic salvation front争取进步爱国阵线: front patriotique pour le progres祖国民族阵线: national fatherland front保卫黎巴嫩南部全国阵线: national front for safeguarding the south保卫宪法体制全国阵线: fdic; front national pour la defense des institutions constitutionelles肯尼亚全国爱国阵线: kenya national patriotic front利比里亚民族爱国阵线: npfl/nprag利比里亚全国爱国阵线: frontnationalpatriotiqueduliberia; npfl; the national patriotic front of liberia