争取: strive for; fight for; endea ...进步: advance; progress; improve; ...爱国: love one's country; be patri ...阵线: front; ranks; alignment爱国阵线: npfl/nprag; the patriotic front, pf积极争取进步: be zealous for progress争取进步联盟: alliance for progress争取进步组织: organization for progress老挝爱国阵线: lao patriotic front爱国进步阵线: front patriotique pour la progres卢安达爱国阵线: rwandan patriotic front卢旺达爱国阵线: front patriotique rwandais; rpf: rwandan patriotic front; rwanda patriotic front; rwandese patriotic front乌班吉爱国阵线: front patriotique oubanguien美洲争取进步联盟委员会: ciap; icap; inter american committee on the alliance for progress; inter-american committee on the alliance for progress争取进步联盟美弓调员: coordinator alliance for progress争取进步联盟美国协调员: u.s. coordinator alliance for progress肯尼亚全国爱国阵线: kenya national patriotic front利比里亚民族爱国阵线: npfl/nprag利比里亚全国爱国阵线: frontnationalpatriotiqueduliberia; npfl; the national patriotic front of liberia争取海地进步革命阵线: le frap菲律宾共同争取进步妇女组织: working shoulder to shoulder for progress of the philippines; working shoulder-to-shoulder for progress of the philippines非洲民族联盟(爱国阵线)妇女联盟: women's league of the zanu-pf利比里亚民族独立爱国阵线: independent national patriotic front of liberia利比里亚全国爱国阵线中央革命理事会: central revolutionary council of the national patriotic front of liberia救国阵线: salvation front