碧海: the blue sea情: feeling; affection; sentimen ...深: deep碧海情: le grand bleu碧海情天: grand bleu, le碧海情挑: blue crush四海情深: a bronx tale海情: sea condition碧海: aomi; aoumi; hekkai; oumi情深: e573; echoes; the dedicated lover海情; 海况: sea condition林海情: passion for forest碧海岚: hailan bi胆情深: sugar hill交情深: be on intimate terms情深的: affectionate网情深: e-net translation武情深: fight for love重情深: debt of love洱海情波: romance with troubles恨海情花: of love and hate恨海情天: unrewarding love恨海情鸳: regretful lovers孽海情天: the sea of degradation and sentiments; tumultuous sea of love between man and woman香海情潮: a grounded romance