洱海: Erhai Lake a great number of ...情: feeling; affection; sentimen ...波: wave洱海: erhai lake (in yunnan province)海情: sea condition洱海鲤: cyprinus barbatus情波说: theory of affective waves碧海情: le grand bleu海情; 海况: sea condition林海情: passion for forest苍山洱海: cangshan mountain and erhai lake表情波动: labile春水情波: girls商情波动: business condition fluctuation; trade oscillation行情波动: busine fluctuatio; business fluctuations碧海情深: the big blue碧海情天: grand bleu, le碧海情挑: blue crush恨海情花: of love and hate恨海情天: unrewarding love恨海情鸳: regretful lovers孽海情天: the sea of degradation and sentiments; tumultuous sea of love between man and woman四海情深: a bronx tale香海情潮: a grounded romance欲海情仇: iron mistress,thes; payback