

发音:   用"破坏痕迹"造句
  • depredation
  • 破坏:    destroy; wreck; ruin
  • 痕迹:    mark; vestige; imprint; impr ...
  • 痕迹:    mark; vestige; imprint; impression; trace; trail; print 不露痕迹 make no sign; 一种古代文明的痕迹 the vestiges of an ancient civilization. 敌军留下了仓皇退却的痕迹。 the enemy's retreat left marks of haste. 岁月在他脸上留下了痕迹。 age has left its traces on his face
  • 更为明显的参考痕迹是抵御破坏者:    ravager
  • 破坏:    1.(使建筑物等损坏) destroy; wreck; ruin 破坏桥梁 destroy a bridge; 破坏铁路 wreck a railway2.(使事物受到损害) do great damage to; do harm to; damage; disrupt 破坏边界现状 disrupt the status quo along the boundary line; 破坏名誉 damage sb.'s reputation; 破坏社会秩序 disrupt public order; 破坏生产 sabotage production; 破坏团结 disrupt unity; undermine unity3.(变革) change (a social system, custom, etc.) completely or violently; destroy; demolish 破坏旧秩序 demolish the old order; 破坏旧世界, 建设新世界。 destroy the old world and build a new one.4.(违反) violate (an agreement, regulation, etc.); break 破坏停战协定 violate an armistice agreement5.(物体的组织或结构损坏) decompose; destroy 维生素c受热过度就会被破坏。 vitamin c is destroyed when overheated.; 破坏分析 failure analysis; 破坏分子 saboteur; 破坏婚姻家庭罪 offences against marriage and the family; 破坏力 collapsing force; destructive power; 破坏面 plane of rupture; 破坏能力 damage capability; 破坏试验 destructive test; breaking test; breaking down test


  1. All depredations on lands being opened up by the railroad


        破坏:    destroy; wreck; ruin
        痕迹:    mark; vestige; imprint; impr ...
        痕迹:    mark; vestige; imprint; impression; trace; trail; print 不露痕迹 make no sign; 一种古代文明的痕迹 the vestiges of an ancient civilization. 敌军留下了仓皇退却的痕迹。 the enemy's retreat left marks of haste. 岁月在他脸上留下了痕迹。 age has left its traces on his face
        更为明显的参考痕迹是抵御破坏者:    ravager
        破坏:    1.(使建筑物等损坏) destroy; wreck; ruin 破坏桥梁 destroy a bridge; 破坏铁路 wreck a railway2.(使事物受到损害) do great damage to; do harm to; damage; disrupt 破坏边界现状 disrupt the status quo along the boundary line; 破坏名誉 damage sb.'s reputation; 破坏社会秩序 disrupt public order; 破坏生产 sabotage production; 破坏团结 disrupt unity; undermine unity3.(变革) change (a social system, custom, etc.) completely or violently; destroy; demolish 破坏旧秩序 demolish the old order; 破坏旧世界, 建设新世界。 destroy the old world and build a new one.4.(违反) violate (an agreement, regulation, etc.); break 破坏停战协定 violate an armistice agreement5.(物体的组织或结构损坏) decompose; destroy 维生素c受热过度就会被破坏。 vitamin c is destroyed when overheated.; 破坏分析 failure analysis; 破坏分子 saboteur; 破坏婚姻家庭罪 offences against marriage and the family; 破坏力 collapsing force; destructive power; 破坏面 plane of rupture; 破坏能力 damage capability; 破坏试验 destructive test; breaking test; breaking down test
        槽痕迹:    cha elcast; channel cast
        刺痕迹:    biting traces
        痕迹,足迹:    trail
        痕迹,微量:    trace
        痕迹的:    vestigial
        痕迹量:    minor value; trace amount; trace element
        痕迹论:    trace theory
        痕迹瀑:    rudimentary organ; vestige; vestigial organ
        痕迹群:    ichnocoenose
        痕迹尾:    vestigial tail
        痕迹线:    trace line
        痕量;痕迹:    trace
        亮痕迹:    bright trace
        热痕迹:    heat discoloration
        上痕迹:    epichnia
        水痕迹:    water trails
        无痕迹:    aletus; traceless
        形痕迹:    burn pattern
        印痕迹:    mark
        爱的痕迹:    trace of love


  1. "破坏和排除效率"英文
  2. "破坏和平的人;扰乱治安者。"英文
  3. "破坏和平与稳定"英文
  4. "破坏和平者"英文
  5. "破坏和平罪"英文
  6. "破坏后的响应"英文
  7. "破坏后范围"英文
  8. "破坏后果"英文
  9. "破坏弧"英文
  10. "破坏滑动面"英文


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