痕迹: mark; vestige; imprint; impr ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...刻划痕迹的人: scorer产生痕迹的生物: trace-making organism让你不留痕迹的离去: just let you leave without a trace无芽眼痕迹的菠萝圆片: extra slice无芽眼痕迹的波罗圆片: extra slice有生物碎屑构造痕迹的: clastizoichnic痕迹: mark; vestige; imprint; impression; trace; trail; print 不露痕迹 make no sign; 一种古代文明的痕迹 the vestiges of an ancient civilization. 敌军留下了仓皇退却的痕迹。 the enemy's retreat left marks of haste. 岁月在他脸上留下了痕迹。 age has left its traces on his face我的爱便会比任何时候都不着痕迹的伤感: my love is stronger than it's ever been残迹的: vestigial发迹的: jumped up轨迹的: local绝迹的: pathless奇迹的: kobi; miraculous; thaumaturgical切迹的: crenated遗迹的: vestigial槽痕迹: cha elcast; channel cast刺痕迹: biting traces痕迹,足迹: trail痕迹,微量: trace痕迹量: minor value; trace amount; trace element痕迹论: trace theory痕迹瀑: rudimentary organ; vestige; vestigial organ痕迹群: ichnocoenose