研究: study; research古文: prose written in the classic ...书: write的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...古文书: paleography文书的: clerical; discovery古文书学: diplomatic; palaeography; paleography古文书学的: paleographic古文书学家: paleographer神秘古文书: papyru文书的费用: costs of clerical labor法律文书的订正: alteration of instrument海运文书的标准化: standardization of maritime document海运文书的统一: unification of maritime documents设定文书的结构: structuring your communications古文物研究者: antiquarian; antiquary国际古文书学委员会: international committee of paleography蒙古文学研究学会: society for the study of mongolian literature中国古文字研究会: research society of chinese ancient scripts中国医古文研究会: research institute of chinese medical classics古文: 1.(文言文) prose written in the classical literary style; ancient style prose; ancient chinese prose2.(秦以前的字体) chinese script before the qin dynasty (221-207 b.c.)法律文书的公证手续: legalization of documents商务文书的外观格式: presentation of business documents国际计算机研究古代语言组织: international organization for the study of ancient languages by computer文书: 1.(公文) document; official dispatch2.(从事公文、书信工作的人员) copy clerk; clerical staff◇文书档案 secretarial document