This museum houses and exhibits cultural archives related to the satake family , feudal lords of akita . archives include documents , records , paintings , maps , battlefield diagrams , and castle diagrams 该博物馆主要收藏和展示旧秋田藩主佐竹家遗留下来的文化资料,有古文书、古记录、描摹画、古地图、古战场绘图、城绘图等。
古文: prose written in the classic ...书: write古文书学: diplomatic; palaeography; paleography古文书学的: paleographic古文书学家: paleographer神秘古文书: papyru研究古文书的: diplomatic国际古文书学委员会: international committee of paleography古文: 1.(文言文) prose written in the classical literary style; ancient style prose; ancient chinese prose2.(秦以前的字体) chinese script before the qin dynasty (221-207 b.c.)文书: 1.(公文) document; official dispatch2.(从事公文、书信工作的人员) copy clerk; clerical staff◇文书档案 secretarial document古文化: ancient culture古文明: elder paleo古文市: furuichi古文体: tushery古文物: antique古文字: ancient writing◇古文字学 paleography蒙古文: hanzi, chinese character; mongolian language超文书: hypertext创文书: drafting of legal instruments德文书: der medicus von saragossa盲文书: books for the blind毛文书: mao wenshu文书,秘书: rapporteur文书的: clerical; discovery文书股: correspondence unit; documentation subsection