石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...圈: circle; ring反映: reflect; reflex; mirror了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...季节: season; time的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...变换: vary; alternate; commutation ...随着季节的变化: change with seasons光圈反映窗: aperture relay port综合反映了…: reflect comprehensively季节的: inseason; seasonal反映了多八位元: multi-octet反映了多个八位元: multi-octet反映了体现主体: embodied subjects反映了网络的进步: dvdrip季节的,季节性的: seasonal过季节的: off-season合季节的: peak-fresh季节的长短: length of season季节的转变: to need/standard transition依照季节的: seasonal反映了某人孩童的感情: reflect the emotions one feels as a child反映了拓朴变化通知: topology change notification变量的变换: transformation on variables变数的变换: transformation of variable