依照: cata; according to; in the l ...季节: season; time的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...季节的: inseason; seasonal季节的,季节性的: seasonal过季节的: off-season合季节的: peak-fresh季节的长短: length of season季节的转变: to need/standard transition比赛季节的初期: dynamic exetcises; early season对抗赛季节的训练: dual meet workout季节的业务量变化: seasonal traffic variation没有季节的小墟: dodesukaden绵羊探伤工(季节的): sheescanner (seasonal)拴马饲养员(季节的): stud groom (seasonal)随着季节的变化: change with seasons随着季节的推移: as the season progresses依照: cata; according to; in the light of 依照法律规定的条件 under conditions prescribed by law; 依照票面价格 at par; 依照情况而定 decide as circumstances require; 依照先例 in the light of precedents; 展品是依照流派陈列的。 the exhibits were arranged according to schools吹过陪伴季节的孩子们: that blows through threes反季节的花卉和蔬菜: out-of-season flower and vegetables然而随着这些季节的逝去: but with the passing of these seasons石圈反映了季节的变换: calendars in stone随着季节的改变而改变: change from season to season狩猎季节的满月〔即收获季节后的满月〕。: hunter's moon节的: nodal; nodular; nodulated