真: true; genuine; real不: a block of wood凑巧: luckily; fortunately; as luc ...他: he出去: go out; get out了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...他出去了: he's out不凑巧: inopportune; malapropos不凑巧的: unlucky请他出去。(逐客令): show him the door豁出去了: shoot the works我豁出去了: i’ve got nothing to lose他出去可有会子啦: he's been out for quite a while他出去可有会子啦!: He's been out for quite a while.他刚好出去了: he's just stepped out凑巧: luckily; fortunately; as luck would have it 她晕倒时凑巧旁边有一个医生。 as luck would have it, a doctor happened to be there when she fainted. 我凑巧在家。 i happened to be at home. 真不凑巧 ! 他出去了。 what bad luck! he's not at home他出去不大工夫就回来了: he was away for a short while and soon came back. free time抱歉,他现在出去了?: sorry, but he is out at the moment房子已租出去了: the house has been let out她出去了。(电话用语): she is out消息透漏出去了: the news has leaked out那男孩跟随他父亲出去了: the boy followed his father out他们两个人都出去了: english is fairly useful but it is rather difficult to learn他说着就站起来走出去了: with this he got up and went out我爸爸今天早上出去了: my father is out this morning but he will be in this afternoon