看: see; look at; watch这: this树: tree看这棵树(练习册): look at the tree这棵树很粗: this tree has a thick trunk. wide这棵树很奘this: tree is very stout这棵树秃了: the tree is leafless这棵树周长: 6英尺. The tree has a circumference of 6 feet.这棵树不结果: this tree bears no fruit他过去常坐在这棵树下: he used to sit under the tree这棵树被虫子蛀空了: this tree has been eaten hollow by worms这棵树高于灵魂之期盼,不能被思想隐藏: which grows higher than the soul can hope, or mind can hide这棵树太大了你得砍掉一些枝条: the tree is too big you'll have to chop back some of the branches. cut八棵树: bakeshu两棵树: the two trees三棵树: sankeshu四棵树: four trees; sikeshu五棵树: wukeshu一棵树: a tree看这儿: see here看这招: watch this好大一棵树: grandeur is the tree; so big tree; what a big tree九棵树站: bt10砍倒一棵树: down a tree砍下一棵树: chodown a tree