Then joshua had them put to death , hanging them on five trees , where they were till evening 随后约书亚将这五王杀死、挂在五棵树上他们就在树上直挂到晚上。
Then joshua struck and killed the kings and hung them on five trees , and they were left hanging on the trees until evening 26随后约书亚将这五王杀死、挂在五棵树上他们就在树上直挂到晚上。
And joshua struck them after that and put them to death , and he hung them on five trees ; and they hung upon the trees until evening 26随后约书亚将这五王杀死,挂在五棵树上;他们就在树上直挂到晚上。
And afterward joshua smote them , and slew them , and hanged them on five trees : and they were hanging upon the trees until the evening 26随后约书亚将这五王杀死,挂在五棵树上。他们就在树上直挂到晚上。
So afterward joshua struck them and put them to death , and he hanged them on five trees ; and they hung on the trees until evening 书10 : 26随后约书亚将这五王杀死、挂在五棵树上他们就在树上直挂到晚上。
五: five树: tree五棵松: wukesong五棵松桥: wukesong bridge八棵树: bakeshu两棵树: the two trees三棵树: sankeshu四棵树: four trees; sikeshu一棵树: a tree五棵松体育馆: beijing wukesong culture & sports center; beijing wukesong culture & sports center; wukesong indoor stadium好大一棵树: grandeur is the tree; so big tree; what a big tree九棵树站: bt10砍倒一棵树: down a tree砍下一棵树: chodown a tree看这棵树: look at the tree靠着那棵树: please sign here两百棵树: two-hundred trees每年植5 棵树: plant 5 trees each year这棵树很粗: this tree has a thick trunk. wide这棵树很奘this: tree is very stout这棵树秃了: the tree is leafless这棵树周长: 6英尺. The tree has a circumference of 6 feet.如果将一棵树汇成一棵树: and if all the trees were one tree,看这棵树(练习册): look at the tree三棵树的故事: a story of the three trees; the tale of three trees