

[ méiyǎngāodī ] 发音:   "眉眼高低"的汉语解释   用"眉眼高低"造句
  • an expression on the face; adopt different attitudes [measures] under different circumstances 短语和例子
  • 眉眼:    1.(眉毛和眼睛) eye and brow2.(泛指容貌) looks; features
  • 眼高:    eye height; height of eye
  • 眼高差:    angle of depression; depression angle; diof horizon; dip ofhorizon; height of eye correction
  • 高低:    1.(高低的程度) height 山崖的高低 the height of a cliff; 声调的高低 the pitch of a voice2.(高下) relative superiority or inferiority; difference in degree 难分高低 hard to tell which is better; 争个高低 vie with each other to see who is better3.(深浅轻重) sense of propriety; appropriateness; discretion 不知高低 not know what's proper; have no sense of propriety; 说话不知高低 make inappropriate remarks4.[方言] (无论如何) on any account; just; simply 不管大家怎么劝说, 他高低不听。 no matter how hard everyone tried to persuade him, he just wouldn't listen.5.[方言] (到底; 终究) at (long) last 经过几天的苦战, 高低把涵洞修好了。 after days of hard work, the culvert was at last completed
  • 眉眼传情:    cast amorous glances


  1. You should learn to read a person 's thoughts from his face. anyone can see she 's worrying about something .


        眉眼:    1.(眉毛和眼睛) eye and brow2.(泛指容貌) looks; features
        眼高:    eye height; height of eye
        眼高差:    angle of depression; depression angle; diof horizon; dip ofhorizon; height of eye correction
        高低:    1.(高低的程度) height 山崖的高低 the height of a cliff; 声调的高低 the pitch of a voice2.(高下) relative superiority or inferiority; difference in degree 难分高低 hard to tell which is better; 争个高低 vie with each other to see who is better3.(深浅轻重) sense of propriety; appropriateness; discretion 不知高低 not know what's proper; have no sense of propriety; 说话不知高低 make inappropriate remarks4.[方言] (无论如何) on any account; just; simply 不管大家怎么劝说, 他高低不听。 no matter how hard everyone tried to persuade him, he just wouldn't listen.5.[方言] (到底; 终究) at (long) last 经过几天的苦战, 高低把涵洞修好了。 after days of hard work, the culvert was at last completed
        眉眼传情:    cast amorous glances
        裴斯眉眼蝶:    dingy bush brown
        小眉眼蝶:    dark brand bush brown
        大眼高原鳅:    triplophysa macrophthalma
        几何眼高差:    geometrical dip
        冷眼高人指:    the great people point at me with cold eye
        小眼高原鳅:    triplophysa microps
        眼高差改正:    dicorrection
        眼高手低:    have grandiose aims but puny abilities; be fastidious but imcompetent; flit from one thing to another; great ambition but little talent; have high aim but no real ability; have high ambition but no real ability; have sharp eyes in criticizing others but clumsy hands in doing things oneself; high in aim but low- rate in execution; like to criticize but do not work oneself; one's ability doesn't match one's wishes [high goal]
        眼高心傲:    having a haughty look and a proud heart
        眼高修正:    dip correction; height of eye correction; height-of-eye correction
        坐姿眼高:    sitting eye height
        眉眼生得秀气:    urbane delicate and well made
        不要眼高手低:    never think yourself above business
        眼高水平视距:    distance to the horizon from height of eye
        眉眼儿作给瞎子看:    waste good acts on sb. who won't understand
        高低差:    difference of height
        高低潮:    high low water; higher low water (hlw); higher low water interval; hlw (= higher low water); hlw=higherlowwater
        高低齿:    stage teeth
        高低袋:    hi / low pocket; hi-low pocket; high-low pockets; pockets high / low
        眉友:    mayu
        眉宇:    [书面语] forehead


        眉眼高低的日语:目に現れた感情.目の色.顔色. 你怎么看不出眉眼高低?人家正难受呢!/無神経にもほどがあるよ,人が悲しんでいるのに.
        眉眼高低的韩语:【성어】 얼굴 표정. 낯빛. 안색. 你这人真不懂眉眼高低, 人家正发愁呢, 你还开玩笑; 너는 정말 눈치코치도 모르는구나, 남은 한창 근심하고 있는데, 너는 농담을 하다니
        眉眼高低的俄语:pinyin:méiyǎngāodī обр. выражение лица; настроение


  1. "眉修复术"英文
  2. "眉修复术伴移植"英文
  3. "眉眼"英文
  4. "眉眼传情"英文
  5. "眉眼儿作给瞎子看"英文
  6. "眉眼生得秀气"英文
  7. "眉友"英文
  8. "眉宇"英文
  9. "眉宇雨伞我们被淋成了落汤鸡"英文
  10. "眉语目传"英文


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