

发音:   用"不要眼高手低"造句
  • never think yourself above business
  • 不要:    don't
  • 眼高手低:    have grandiose aims but puny ...
  • 眼高手低:    have grandiose aims but puny abilities; be fastidious but imcompetent; flit from one thing to another; great ambition but little talent; have high aim but no real ability; have high ambition but no real ability; have sharp eyes in criticizing others but clumsy hands in doing things oneself; high in aim but low- rate in execution; like to criticize but do not work oneself; one's ability doesn't match one's wishes [high goal]
  • 手高手低:    small difference
  • 眼高:    eye height; height of eye


        不要:    don't
        眼高手低:    have grandiose aims but puny ...
        眼高手低:    have grandiose aims but puny abilities; be fastidious but imcompetent; flit from one thing to another; great ambition but little talent; have high aim but no real ability; have high ambition but no real ability; have sharp eyes in criticizing others but clumsy hands in doing things oneself; high in aim but low- rate in execution; like to criticize but do not work oneself; one's ability doesn't match one's wishes [high goal]
        手高手低:    small difference
        眼高:    eye height; height of eye
        高手:    past master; master-hand; ace 国际象棋高手 master chess player
        眼高差:    angle of depression; depression angle; diof horizon; dip ofhorizon; height of eye correction
        需要眼镜:    need glasses
        大眼高原鳅:    triplophysa macrophthalma
        几何眼高差:    geometrical dip
        冷眼高人指:    the great people point at me with cold eye
        眉眼高低:    an expression on the face; adopt different attitudes [measures] under different circumstances 你这人真不识眉眼高低, 谁都看得出她正在发愁呢。 you should learn to read a person's thoughts from his face. anyone can see she's worrying about something
        小眼高原鳅:    triplophysa microps
        眼高差改正:    dicorrection
        眼高心傲:    having a haughty look and a proud heart
        眼高修正:    dip correction; height of eye correction; height-of-eye correction
        坐姿眼高:    sitting eye height
        单手低手传球:    one-hand underhand pass
        双手低手上篮:    two-hand underhand lay-up shot
        不要:    don't 不要麻痹大意。 don't slacken your vigilance. 不要总是以为自己对。 don't think you are always right. 不要大声喧哗! don't speak in a loud voice!; dont't make noise! 不要游手好闲。 don't idle about
        高手啊:    arrayindexoutofboundsexception
        高手榜:    top 10 highest level
        高手的:    overhand
        高手们:    about earth
        文高手:    downfiles


  1. "不要选择半工类型"英文
  2. "不要学我说话"英文
  3. "不要压枪跑"英文
  4. "不要压缩特性"英文
  5. "不要延误时间"英文
  6. "不要仰赖运气"英文
  7. "不要一听到批评就沉不住气"英文
  8. "不要一直对我说这些话"英文
  9. "不要一直对我说这些话 哦不"英文
  10. "不要移动我桌子上的东西"英文


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